So I sat back and thought "Why can't Icome up with a pony OC?"And Idid. Behold, the first alicorikelpie princess to grace the MLPFandom, Princess Suporma!She's Luna, Celestia, Cadence, AND Twist's younger sister, and she has control of all equestria, and she has all the magic of every pony ever ever. She is also immortal and invincinbel. She is also Luna, Celestia, and Cadence's mother, and she once dated Discord before he became evil and hurt the ponies long ago. She's also the first Cutie Mark Crusader ever, and got her cutie makr first, but then Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle stole her idea, but she was OKwith it. When Celestia, Luna, and Cadence were born, she perfrormed the Sonic Rainpedo underwater, causing them to both be born and inspired by the underwater display to become champions of friendship! This lead to the creation of Equestria. "she told the windigos to stop attacking teh tribe leaders"